Historic: Mono-Red Singularity

Raw Text

4 Mizzix's Mastery
4 Double Vision
4 Explosive Singularity
4 Burn Down the House
3 Krenko's Command
2 Krenko, Mob Boss
4 Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
4 Dragon Fodder
3 Cavalcade of Calamity
4 Goblin Gathering
2 Skirk Prospector
20 Mountain
2 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance


The moment I saw Explosive Singularity previewed, I knew I had to play with it. Once Neon Dynasty came out I started brewing and testing. I tried Boros, Gruul, Izzet, and a number of other combinations trying to get the deck to work. I knew whatever I built would be based around trying to make a bunch of cheap creatures and then copy singularity ins some way to do 20 damage in a single turn.

The decks were all terrible. We had trouble vs life gain, issues getting to the late game, and in general the deck just did not work. I needed to go back to the drawing board and rethink my concept as a whole.

So I decided to start with a diffrent goal, let's build a decent token deck, that just happens to also have Singularity in it. And lucky for us you can do that pretty decently in a mono-red goblins shell. The deck plays alot like a Cavalcade deck in the early game, but then can close out the game with a big hit to the face late game.

The Plan

The goal of the deck is to hit an opponent for 20. Get down a Double Vision, cast an Explosive Singularity.

The Other Plan

The above plan is... shallow at best. Yes we are trying to win off of the combo, but we need to pressure the opponent, keep lifegain within reach, and generally have a way to close out the game when we can't cast a 5 mana enchantment then a 9 mana spell (Discounted or not).

So we are a goblin deck.

In the early game we want to be agressive and make some favorible attacks. We are putting tokens onto the board, casting Krenkos, and generally just trying to stall out the board or make agressive attacks.

We can then use those goblins to inflict harm with Cavalcade of Calamity or sacrifice them for mana with Skirk Prospector.

Finally we have a few Burn Down The House as either a sweeper, or some additional tokens to help us get to Singularity and some Mizzix's Masteries to recast whatever we may need.